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Antivirus solutions can be your first line of defense against hackers who seek to steal your personal information. These tools are able to block an array of malware attacks, such as ransomware, Trojans, spyware and more. However, even the best antivirus software isn’t a panacea against cyber threats and needs to be used in conjunction with other security tools such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, strong passwords and multifactor authentication to provide complete security.

To determine which antivirus program is best for you, begin by looking at the software’s detection rate. These numbers show how many programs, files and other objects the program detects and blocks from being able to enter the system. Also be sure to look for heuristic detection capabilities. This type of analysis could detect malware that was previously undetected by analyzing suspicious computer behavior. However, this feature should be tuned carefully to stay clear of «alert fatigue» and excessive security alerts that can distract workers from essential tasks.

Aside from the extra security features, antivirus software also offers. Some of these include a VPN service as well as identity theft protection, password managers as well as parental controls. This can help your business safeguard customers and employees while also avoiding debilitating fines for data breaches.

If your business is big or small you are the target of hackers. Hackers are looking for massive archives of information about consumers or to establish a reputation by hacktivism, which is the disruption of professional systems for social and political reasons. Whatever the reason, you must implement defensive measures and antivirus software is a good starting point.
